Suzanne Connors

Suzanne Connors’ teaching experience includes studio and professional practices at institutions throughout the U.S.
Suzanne Connors’ teaching experience includes studio and professional practices at institutions throughout the U.S. These include Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts (Gatlinburg, TN), Woodland Ridge Retreat Center (Menomonie, WI), Carborro Arts Center (Carborro, NC), Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens (Palm Beach County, FL), Foosaner Art Museum (Melbourne, FL), Lighthouse Art Center (Tequesta, FL), Appalachian Center for Craft (Smithville, TN), Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association ( Blue Ridge, GA), Olive’s Porch (a John C. Campbell outreach center in Murphy, NC) and the Aya Fiber Studio ( Stuart, FL and Murphy, NC). Aya Fiber Studio is her studio where she hosts national and international artists who give workshops to over 500 students from all over the country each year.
Suzanne is the Founder and past President of the Martin Artisans Guild, sits on the board for SPIN (Silk Painters International), and is the South Florida Regional representative for the Surface Design Association.