(302) African Vegan Art and Mixed Media

African Vegan Art is inspired by Bògòlanfini (mud-cloth) art – a handmade cotton fabric traditionally dyed with fermented mud and natural dyes. Originating from Mali, West Africa, cloths are hand painted with patterns and symbols using a variety of natural dyes, including river mud that has been aged up to a year. The motifs are usually abstract representations of everyday objects that give rise to proverbs, songs and representations of historical events. In this workshop, participants will learn and engage with this historical textile dyeing technique to create a unique textile for themselves.This unique human experience will bridge cultural and generational lines using ancestral dyeing techniques with natural dyes combining old and new approaches to create stunning two-dimensional, personalized artwork on silk to convey their story.
Students will learn about the history and origin of the Bògòlanfini Art using old and new approaches. Starting with a brief introduction and demo, participants will have the opportunity to design their own unique prints using natural dyes and image transferring on silk, as well as learning about basic natural dye techniques, resist, image transferring, and hand-stitching techniques.
Participants are encouraged to bring copies of letters, pictures, articles and newspapers to create their unique collage by transferring images on their dyed silk organza.
Experience Level:
All Levels
Maximum Class Size:
Materials fee:
$50 covers mordanted silk organza, natural dyes, transfer solution, a few organza samples, disposable containers, jars, material to cover the work area
Equipment required
No equipment, check supplies
Student Supplies:
- Thread
- Scissors
- Basic paint brushes
- Lemon
- 3-6 Mason jars
- Copies of pictures, letters, new paper, articles etc ( must be copies, NO ORIGINAL)
- Steamer
Bring COPIES of pictures, letters, new paper, articles etc for transfer printing (must be copies, NO ORIGINALS.)