(205) Sheep to Skein

Many handspinners are eager to work with locally-grown wools, but may not feel sure of how to get started. In this course, we will discuss ways to connect with local wool growers, including how to assist at shearing time, and how to skirt fleeces. We’ll look at a variety of wool types–from fine, medium, downs, longwools, and dual-coated breeds–and include all-important discussion of flaws to avoid.
After learning best practices for scouring wool, students will have the opportunity to both card and comb each type of wool, and learn techniques for spinning each preparation, using woolen, worsted, or variations on these drafting skills. Finally, students will explore a variety of ply structures that work best with each type of wool, and wash their sample skeins. Detailed discussion of good record-keeping and swatching for use in knitted, crocheted, or woven projects will wrap up our time together!

Experience Level:
Maximum Class Size:
Materials fee:
$25 covers Handouts, raw and prepared wools of fine, medium, downs, longwools, and dual-coated breeds; tools and detergents for washing and drying wool; wool combs and hand-cards for in-class use; dizzes; loaner lazy kates and niddy-noddies, as needed; bath towels for wet clean-up; wheel maintenance tools, angle of twist measures, wraps-per-inch tools; knitting needles, crochet hooks, and pin looms for sampling
Equipment required
Spinning Wheel, Lazy Kate, Fiber Prep Tools
Student Supplies:
- Spinning wheel in good working order, with 3-5 bobbins
- Niddy-noddy
- Lazy Kate
- Wool combs and/or handcards if you have them
- Note-taking equipment
- Knitting needles, crochet hooks, and/or pin looms for sampling
- Rovings, batts, or clean locks of wools about which students have questions
LOANER WHEELS can be provided by instructor for an additional $15 rental fee.
No Homework.