We are grateful to Jockey Hollow Weavers Guild for their support of the Fashion Show and Exhibit.
The 2025 Fashion Exhibit will feature garments and accessories created by conference attendees, as well as MAFA members who are unable to attend in-person. Located in the exhibit area of the Marketplace, and open all day Friday and Saturday of the conference, the fashion exhibit will enable conference participants to study the works up close. For 2025 we will also record a virtual tour of the exhibit for those not at the conference. A representative selection of the entries will be featured in Opening Night’s Fashion Show. Finally, after the conference, we will post an eBook of all items in this exhibit.
MAFA conference attendees and members are invited to submit original wearables for the exhibit. Consider choosing an item related to the 2025 Conference theme: Hands On. We hope this opportunity will inspire you to apply your creativity and fiber arts skills in producing handmade fashions such as garments, ensembles or accessories.
Click HERE for the complete Fashion Exhibit Rules, Requirements, and Entry Form
Information for Fashion Exhibitors:
- Dropping off your fashion submission: Drop off garments and accessories Thursday, June 26 from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the designated table near Registration.
- Remote participants only – shipping your fashion submission: Once accepted to the exhibit, the Fashion Coordinator will provide shipping information.
- Display of your fashion submission: Do you have a mannequin or dress form that you can loan us for the Fashion Exhibit? Please contact us at fashion.show@mafafiber.org.
- Picking up your fashion submission: Pick up your garment/accessory Saturday, June 28, 5:00-6:00 p.m. If you are unable to pick up your item, please designate another person for this task and let us know in advance at fashion.show@mafafiber.org.
- Returning your fashion submission – Remote Participants: Work that was shipped to us will be shipped back to you. You must provide a prepaid shipping label when your item is submitted.
Questions? Check out the FAQs below, or contact Fashion Show Coordinator Annette Devitt at fashion.show@mafafiber.org.
Fashion Exhibit and Show FAQs
What’s the difference between the Fashion Exhibit and Fashion Show?
- The Fashion Exhibit will be an exhibit of all garments and accessories submitted by conference attendees and will enable conference participants to study the works up close all day Friday and Saturday of the conference.
- The Fashion Show will be a short runway event on Opening Night and will feature representative works from all items submitted to the Fashion Exhibit.
Will any of the Fashion Exhibit garments be for sale?
Neither the Fashion Show nor the Fashion Exhibit will be geared toward sales. However, interested attendees are encouraged to contact the artist directly.
Will conference attendees be able to touch the pieces in the Fashion Exhibit?
We know that fiber artists like to use their hands as well as their eyes when they study a piece on exhibit. To permit attendees to touch the textiles with no risk to the works, we encourage submitters to provide a sample of the material that can be displayed prominently with the submission. Sample should be a maximum of 6” x 6” in size.
Can instructors submit wearables to the Fashion Exhibit?
Yes. Instructors may participate in the exhibit but are not eligible for prizes awarded.
What if I will be unable to pick up my garment at the scheduled time? Will someone else be allowed to pick up my garments?
Entrants unable to pick up their entries must make arrangements for pickup by a designated person and provide that person’s name to the Fashion Show contact when the item is delivered to the Fashion Exhibit.
Can I enter a piece that uses a commercial sewing pattern with a handwoven fabric?
Absolutely. Our reference to “commercially produced materials or patterns” refers to things like commercial fabrics or published weaving projects, not to sewing patterns. The use of a commercial sewing, knitting, or crochet pattern is acceptable, but there must be significant originality in the final piece. Items created primarily of commercial fabric must be significantly altered or manipulated in some manner for inclusion in the Fashion Exhibit.