Any interested fiber group in the greater Mid-Atlantic region may request acceptance as a member guild in the MidAtlantic Fiber Association. The region includes guilds in Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
There are many benefits to being a member of MAFA. To learn more about how MAFA can serve you and your guild, click here.
In addition, any interested commercial enterprise, institution, organization, school or individual who is not a member of a member guild may request acceptance as an associate member.
Join and/or renew memberships online:
- Guild New Membership or Renewal
- 2024 guild renewals will start in August 2024. Click here for more information. New members may join at any time.
- Associate New Membership or Renewal
We ask that you submit your application/renewal form online, and dues may be paid with PayPal, or by mailing a check. For more information, or if you need assistance, please email the Membership Chair at
Guild dues are based on guild membership size. For 2024-2026, guild dues are:
- 25 or fewer members: $30
- 26-50 members: $60
- 51-100 members: $100
- 101-150 members: $150
- 151-200 members: $200
- 201 or more members: $250
Associate member dues for 2024-26: $25
Membership Term
Membership dues are valid for a period of two years. Renewals are due by October 1 of even-numbered years. New guild memberships are payable upon acceptance of membership. Guilds joining prior to the conference in odd-numbered years will pay full dues and renew the next even-numbered year. Guilds joining after the conference–or anytime in an even-numbered year–will pay full dues and their membership will extend to the following regular renewal date. (e.g. If your guild joins in late-2023/early-2024, your membership will renew in 2026.)