“Find a guild!” we tell new students of our craft. There you will find support and experience. Be inspired by the “show and tells” of others. Bask in the admiration received when you get to show your latest accomplishment.  Get help solving your problems. Learn new techniques.  Help spread the fiber world to the public. Teach the beginners.  All with a dollop of friendship and camaraderie.

MAFA was formed to help the members of guilds in our region work together as we educate our members and the public about the beauty and value of the fiber arts. We hope these pages can help you find local guilds and fiber contacts and inspire you on your fiber journey.

If you have questions, please email the Membership Coordinator at membership@mafafiber.org.

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Click here to join or renew guild membership…

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Check out upcoming guild events….

Submit your guild event for the Guild Event listing…