Jockey Hollow Weavers Guild
Fashion Show and Exhibit

In the fall of 1981, ten fiber enthusiasts met to discuss the possibility of organizing a group of weavers, spinners and basket makers. They lived in and around the Morris County area of New Jersey. Their goal was to establish a guild for the purpose of studying and exchanging ideas and knowledge about their crafts.
This was the beginning of Jockey Hollow Weavers. Since then, our Guild has grown to more than 75 members and includes novice and experienced practitioners of the fiber arts.
Our meetings are in-person, the first Wednesday evening of the month, September through June. We meet via zoom in the winter months.
We offer a variety of programs, and multi-day workshops. We also offer a member’s show and sale every November and a monthly “Weaving Wizard” meeting, via zoom, to help instruct, and assist newer weavers.
Jockey Hollow Weavers Guild, Inc is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.