Archive: June 2019

MAFA Grants Q&A Session

Coming to Millersville? Curious about MAFA Grants? Please plan to stop in at the Atrium (SMC upper level, opposite the Dining Hall) on Saturday evening, June 29 from 5:30 to 6:00 for a chance to talk with members of the Grants Committee and past Grant...

WGGB Receives 2019 MAFA Grant

MAFA has awarded a grant to the Weavers Guild of Greater Baltimore for public events and outreach in connection with the guild’s upcoming 70th Anniversary Show at the Baltimore County Arts Guild, on July 5 through August 31, 2019.  Activities will include an opening reception...

Become a Conference Fellow

Now that you have registered for the 2019 conference, consider applying for a 2019 conference fellowship. Fellows help extend the benefits of MAFA workshops to non-attendees through articles, lectures, demonstrations, or outreach activities back home. After submitting a written report and photographs of their post-conference...

Time is Running Out! Apply for a MAFA Grant

There is less than a month left to apply for a 2019 MAFA Grant.  Each year MAFA awards several grants to organizations for projects that further MAFA’s mission. The grants typically range from $500 to $1,500.  For detailed requirements and a list of successful proposals,...

Have table loom, will travel

Guidelines for preparing vintage table looms for travel Most table looms–especially the vintage variety–are portable, but portability is not their strong suit. And even though the loom may be relatively easy to transport, once a warp is on the loom, concerns focus on keeping the...