Jennie Hawkey

Jennie Hawkey is a weaver, weaving teacher and the owner of Hopewell Weaving. She has woven for over 30 years and specializes in accessories that incorporate intricate weaves, natural fibers and vivid colors. Although weaving has been a long-time craft, teaching is Jennie’s passion. She is an educator and teacher of children and adults and loves to pass on the skills of weaving. She started Hopewell Weaving in 2007, teaching weaving in her cottage, for guilds and at conferences. In 2020 she began teaching online courses, beginning with Warping 101, a free, 5 session class in which beginning weavers could warp their own looms at home. From 2020 to 2022, over 60 new weavers have received online individual live support in these courses. She then converted several other of her classes to an online format and continues to teach both in person and online. Jennie’s workshop experience include workshops at the HGA Convergence 2024, Midwest Weaving Conference, Adamah Art Center, Shake Rag Alley, and Yadkin Valley Fiber Center.
She finds weaving to be endlessly fascinating and a wonderful creative outlet.