Marjie Thompson

Marjie Thompson has been a weaver, teacher, and historical researcher for many years. She delights in sharing her knowledge with other weavers through guild and conference teaching. Her leadership roles have included being president of The Central Ohio Weavers Guild, Dean of The Weavers’ Guild of Boston, president of The New Hampshire Weavers Guild, president of Complex Weavers, and the president of NEWS. In her “spare time” she has spent the last 31 years chairing the Complex Weavers Early Weaving Books and Manuscripts study group, teaching for guilds and regional conferences, Convergence, the Complex Weavers Seminars, as well as the Historic Weaving conference.
Marjie is one of a handful of weavers awarded the ‘Weaver of Distinction’ title from NEWS in both the gallery and fashion shows. She is the co-author of Forgotten Pennsylvania Textiles of the 18th and 19th Centuries, The Huck Pattern Collection, Miniature Patterns for Weaving by Josephine Estes, and the editor of The Gartner Manuscript. Her articles have appeared in Weavers, Handwoven, Complex Weavers Journal, Shuttle, Spindle, & Dyepot, and The Spinning Wheel Sleuth’s Loom Supplement.