Instructors for MAFA 2025, here is a compilation of information and links that have been sent out by email as we got to each milestone. We thought it might help to have them all in one place.


To register for the conference and select housing go to Cvent:

To submit your proposed travel plans for approval BEFORE booking tickets, please submit this form: (Note the travel reimbursement form to report actual travel expenses will be posted closer to the conference)

Instructor Book/DVD Signing
Do you have a book(s), DVDs, or other instructional materials that you would like to have available at the Conference? MAFA 2025 will provide a space for Book Signings during Shop ’til You Drop in the Marketplace on Friday, June 27, from 7:00 – 8:00 pm. Authors must sign up to participate through this link to ensure we have enough tables:
The deadline for requests is May 30, 2025. If you have questions about the Book Signing, please contact Patty Chrisman, Conference Events Coordinator at

There are three options to get your books and materials to the Conference:

  1. Bring your books yourself and deliver to the Book Signing table by 7:00 pm on June 27.
  2. Ship your books to MAFA 2025 (instructions provided in link above).
  3. Red Stone Glen has offered to support book orders and sales for instructors. You must contact them yourself at 717-212-9022. Ask for Annie.