Register For Workshops & Housing

What you need to know about registering for a workshop at MAFA 2025

Workshop Registration Dates:

  • Early Workshop Registration: February 1, 2025,  9 a.m. Eastern, for MAFA-affiliated Guild members and Associate members only.
  • Open Registration: February 15, 2025,  9 a.m. Eastern, for non-members, weekend guests, and overnighters.
  • Late Registration: April 1, 2025 (late fee of $50 applies for workshops).
  • Registration Closes: May 15, 2025.
  • Last Day to Cancel Workshops and Housing: May 15, 2025.

Workshop Registration Info:

Housing and Dining Info for Workshop Students:

Housing for Weekend Guests and Overnighters (anyone not taking a workshop):

FAQs and other useful information:

Registration Costs

Workshop Student + Housing: Your registration fee includes: tuition for your selected 15-hour workshop, lodging and all meals from Thursday evening through Sunday lunch, as well as all other conference activities.

Workshop Student + Commuting (staying off-campus): Your registration fee includes: tuition for your selected 15-hour workshop, as well as all other conference activities. You may purchase meals individually in the Dining Hall. Details HERE.

Weekend Guest: If you are attending the conference for the full four-day conference but not taking a workshop, or if you are just coming on Friday and/or Saturday, visit the Overnighters and Daytrippers page for details and housing registration instructions.

MAFA 2025 RegistrationMeals IncludedCost
Workshop Student + Housing: Double room/Shared bathThurs. dinner through Sun. lunch$650
Workshop Student + Housing: Single room/Shared bathThurs. dinner through Sun. lunch$675
Workshop Student + Housing: Private room with bath (limited availability)Thurs. dinner through Sun. lunch$775
Workshop Student + Commuting: Staying off-campusWorkshop and conference fee only. No housing or meals included. Meals may be purchased individually at the Dining Hall.$450
Wednesday Night Arrival: Double or SingleWed. dinner through Thurs. lunch$75
Wednesday Night Arrival: PrivateWed. dinner through Thurs. lunch$110
Weekend Guest: Thursday – Saturday nightsFind registration info HERE$255
Overnighters: Friday and/or Saturday night onlyFind registration info HERE$90
Other Options and Fees for Workshop StudentsCost
Non-member FeeNot a member of a MAFA-affiliated guild, or an Associate member$40
Late Registration FeeStarting April 1, 2025$50
Cancellation FeeThrough May 15, 2025 – see Registration Details scroll down to Cancellations and Refunds$75

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Registration Details for Workshops and Housing

  • Click to download these Registration Instructions as a PDF.
  • Online registration: All registrations will be online through Cvent. When registration opens, look for the red “REGISTER FOR A WORKSHOP” button on the MAFA conference website. 
  • You may only register one person per email address.
  • Select your registration type: Member (available on February 1st), Non-member (available on February 15th).
  • Fill in all fields: Note the *required fields. Be sure to enter your country, then the State/Province field will give you a dropdown list of options.
  • Select a workshop: Select your workshop on the Workshops page – workshops are listed by workshop number.
  • Workshop Confirmation: You will only be able to register for a workshop if there are spaces still available, and Cvent will display if a workshop is full. As soon as you check out you will be confirmed in the workshop. You will also receive a confirmation email with your registered workshop and housing option.
  • Waitlist: If the workshop you want is full, you can select it to be waitlisted. However, you must still select an alternate workshop with open spaces. If a spot opens up in your waitlisted workshop, you will be notified. Only waitlist yourself in one workshop.
  • Review and accept the conference policies: Your registration will not be processed without your acceptance. 
  • Payment: Will be made online at the time of registration using any major credit/debit card, we are NOT accepting PayPal or checks for this conference.
  • Save your confirmation email: Your confirmation number will make logging in to modify your registration simpler. If you need to modify your registration and don’t have your number, click “Forgot Confirmation Number” and it will be emailed to you.
  • Changes, adding, or canceling workshops: You can return to the MAFA registration site at any time before the deadline to make changes. This may include adding or canceling a workshop. Please save your confirmation email as it will contain a link to access your registration.
  • Cancellation and Refunds:
    Registrations may be canceled for a partial refund through May 15, 2025 by contacting the Registrar at A processing fee of $75 will be deducted from your refund. After May 15, 2025, you will forfeit the entire amount of your registration. In extenuating circumstances, a partial refund of the workshop fee may be possible if we can fill your space, however, housing and meal fees are non-refundable after May 15, 2025.

Questions? See below, or email the Registrar at

Problems with registration? Email the Registrar at
During registration, please remember we’re volunteers and real people not an automated system! Lots of members will be registering at the same time, so give us a little time to get back to you.

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Registration Questions

Am I a MAFA member?

  • How do I know if my guild is a MAFA member? Visit the Find a Guild page and see if your guild is listed. In addition, the registration form will provide you a list of guilds. If your guild is not on this list, it is not a member.
  • My guild is in the greater Mid-Atlantic region but not a member. How do we join? Joining MAFA is simple. Just fill out the application on the MAFA website. Email questions to our Membership Chair at
  • My guild is not a MAFA member guild or I live outside the MAFA area. Can I join as an Associate Member? Yes, you may join MAFA as an associate member even if you don’t live in the Mid-Atlantic region. Associate member dues are $25 for a two-year membership. Find the Associate application on the MAFA website.

How many workshops can I register for?

Unlike some conferences, the MAFA conference is a weekend devoted to one in-depth hands-on 15-hour workshop over two and a half days. So you just pick one workshop for the weekend. (Yes, we know it is hard to choose!)

When will I know what workshop I am in?

Immediately! That’s the big benefit of the online registration process. When you register, you will see the number of available spaces in each workshop. You will only be able to register if a workshop is not full. When you check out at the end of the registration process, the workshop you selected will be on the receipt, which you can save and/or print out.

What happens if the workshop I want is full?

You can select to be waitlisted for one workshop. However, you must still select an alternate workshop with open spaces. If a spot opens up in your waitlisted workshop, you will be notified.

What happens if a workshop I select is canceled?

If the workshop you have registered for must be canceled due to low enrollment or an unforeseen circumstance, the Registrar will contact you to make another choice or issue a full refund. (Any necessary cancellations of workshops due to low enrollment will be made in early-April.)

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Can I change the workshop I signed up for?

Yes, you can! Use your confirmation number and email address to log in to your registration and change the workshop for which you are registered. You may only do this PRIOR to May 15. No workshop changes will be allowed after May 15.

What if I decide I no longer wish to be waitlisted for a workshop?

If, after registering for one workshop and putting yourself on the waitlist for another one, you decide you are happy with the workshop you are registered in, use your confirmation number and email address to log in to registration and remove your waitlisting. If you have any trouble doing this, please contact the Registrar at

What if I want to add a roommate or make a note about a dietary restriction after I have completed my registration?

Use your confirmation number and email address to log in to your registration and add additional information for the registrar. Any changes regarding housing or dining must be made by May 15, 2025.

My spouse/partner/companion is coming, how do I register them?

You will need to complete a separate registration form for your guest who is attending with you but not taking a workshop. Click HERE for details, dates, and weekend guest housing registration instructions, so that they get room and board, but no workshop.

Why does the registration form ask about Sunday lunch?

Sunday lunch is included in your room and board fee. We have found, however, that many attendees prefer to get on the road as soon as the workshops are over on Sunday at Noon. For 2025, all Sunday lunches will be box lunches. Select your lunch choice at registration, and plan to pick up your box lunch after Sunday Breakfast, in the ground floor lobby of the dining hall.

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I’m a vendor who wants to register for housing, how do I register?

Find general information HERE. After vendor selection, the Vendor Coordinator will send out details on how to register for on-campus housing and meals, as well as optional early-arrival on Wednesday.

I’m a vendor who wants to take a workshop, how do I register?

You should register for your workshop as a Commuting Workshop Student, and register separately for vendor housing if desired. The Vendor Coordinator will send you information on vendor housing.

Why does the registration form ask if I want to be considered for the door prize scholarships at regional fiber arts schools?

Since some of our attendees know that they wouldn’t attend a course at one of the fiber schools, this removes their name from scholarship drawings. This helps ensure that those people selected will use their prize.

What is MAFA’s Photo Release Policy?

Attendees at a MAFA conference must agree to the Photo Release Policy before their registration will be processed.

Will we get a directory of conference attendees?

As in past years, MAFA will create a directory of conference attendees which will be printed and distributed to all attendees. The directory will include each attendee’s name, city and state, affiliated MAFA guild, and workshop attended. (Physical address and phone numbers will not be included.)

What if I don’t want my name in the printed directory?

During registration, all attendees will be offered an opt-out option through a check box, “Do not include me in the printed directory.”

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