Calendar of Events
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Carolina FiberFest
By demonstrating skills to the public, sharing knowledge, and through the close interaction of classes, Carolina FiberFest sows the seeds for future generations of fiber artists, crafts people and fiber producers.
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Woven Journeys: Handweavers’ Guild of Connecticut
The Biennial show provides an opportunity for the Handweaver's Guild of Connecticut to exhibit our collective handweaving creativity and educate the public of the depth and expanse of this artistry.
Black Swamp Spinners Guild Annual Market Day and Fiber Fair
Black Swamp Spinners Guild Annual Market Day and Fiber Fair
Annual Market Day & Fiber Fair Saturday, March 22, 2025, 9 AM to 4 PM Wood County Fairgrounds - Junior Fair Bldg. 13800 W. Poe Rd. Bowling Green, OH 43402 Spinning & Weaving Supplies, yarn, roving, fleeces, exotic fibers, books & dyes, hand-crafted items Classes offered $1 admission - Public welcome Food by Toledo Chuck […]
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Rigid Heddle Speed Warping and Other Techniques
Rigid Heddle Speed Warping and Other Techniques - Weavers Guild of Greater Baltimore, March 29-30, 2025. Interested in rigid heddle weaving? Learn how to direct warp your loom and begin weaving single or double heddle projects with Stephanie Hill. This class is great for newer and more experienced weavers!