In support of its mission to further education in the fiber arts, MAFA awards several types of grants. A Grants Committee consisting of a chairperson and representatives from across the MAFA region, in consultation with the MAFA Board, determines the recipients of grant awards and verifies that awardees have fulfilled the requirements to receive funds.
MAFA Grants are awarded yearly to member guilds and non-profit organizations in the region based on applications describing how the proposed fiber-related project will educate and/or otherwise benefit the public. Fifty percent of the funding is provided at project award, 50 percent upon completion of a final report on the project.
Micro-Grants are awarded in amounts of up to $500 for development and maintenance of member guilds to promote recovery from the pandemic, growth and development, or enhanced activities and education for the guild.
Recovery Fund awards are made to support individuals or groups with situations, such as natural disasters, that inhibit the ability to continue in their fiber arts pursuits.
Fellowships are awarded in conference years based on applications describing how the attendee plans to utilize the knowledge gained at the conference to further educate others. Fellowship recipients must attend the conference in order to receive an award. Funding is provided after the committee receives a final report from the applicant.
Conference Scholarships for First Time Attendees will be awarded to first-time attendees of MAFA in-person conferences.
Past Special Awards
MAFA previously offered the following two special awards:
Allen B. Fanin Scholarship, was named in honor of the 2005 conference keynote speaker, who was killed in a car accident shortly before the conference. Mr. Fanin was a devoted teacher of new spinners and weavers. This award was distributed to novice spinners and weavers at each subsequent conference. This award fund is now closed.
Ellen Dorosh Memorial Award was established in memory of Ellen Dorosh, our president and long-time volunteer, who died while in office in 2014. Its purpose was to support MAFA guild members who wished to improve their weaving skills. This award fund is now closed.