- Triangle Fiber Arts Center Expansion — Triangle Weavers, Inc., NC
- Resurgence of the Fiber Arts in Southern Appalachia — Blue Ridge Fiber Fest, NC
- Linen: The Journey from Seed to Cloth — Frances Irwin Handweavers, NJ
- Public Education of Fiber Crafts — Weavers Guild of Buffalo, NY
- WGGB 70th Anniversary Show at the Baltimore County Arts Guild — Weavers Guild of Greater Baltimore, MD
A month-long public art exhibit celebrating the guild’s 70th anniversary, including public “art-making” classes and young adult scholarships to a beginning weaving class.
- 17th, 18th and 19th Century Textiles: Workshop and Lectures — Harmony Weavers Guild, DE
Series of tours, lectures and workshops held at Winterthur Museum and elsewhere in spring 2018. Events were open to members of other MAFA guilds and/or the public.
- Gateway to Weaving – Philadelphia Guild of Handweavers, PA
Rigid heddle looms and associated equipment for use in public outreach, “drop-in-and-weave” events and beginning weaving classes.
- New Equipment for Sharing Fiber Arts — Warped Weavers Guild, MD
Portable loom for use in an ongoing program of weaving demonstrations at Maryland State Fair and at public libraries
- Sheep Shearing – Avon Grove School, PA
Enhance the charter school’s art curriculum with felting classes using the wool from school-run micro-farm.
- Have a Seat and Stay a While – Fiber Arts Network, WV
Height-adjustable loom benches for weaving studio used in demonstrations and classes for children and adults.
- Fiber Arts Weekend – Third Star Fibre Artist Guild, NJ
Beginning spinning and weaving classes and public demonstrations to mark the guild’s 40th anniversary.
- Fiber Arts Learning Opportunities for Youth and Adults – Southern Tier Fiberarts Guild, NY
Fiber arts workshops, in collaboration with the local public library and an arts organization.
- Triangle Fiber Arts Center (TFAC) – Triangle Weavers’ Guild, NC
Equipment for new fiber arts center.
- Looms for Kids College – Fiber Arts Network, WV
Looms for use in children’s weaving workshops
- West Virginia Fiber Festival – Morgantown Fiber Guild, WV
Support for annual fiber festival
- Spinning Workshop – Southern Tier Fiberarts Guild, NY
Regional spinning workshop