Before applying, please review the Micro-Grant program requirements. You can save your work and return to it later, using the link at the bottom of the page.

Questions?  Contact

Micro-Grant Deadlines:

  • MAFA will accept applications on a rolling basis throughout the year.
  • The Grants Committee will review the proposals as they are received for recommendation to the MAFA board.

MAFA Micro-Grant Application

"*" indicates required fields

Part I. Organization and Contact Information

The individual primarily responsible for communicating with MAFA and ensuring Micro-Grant requirements are met.
Name and Address for Payment*
Mailing address for Micro-Grant payment.

Part II: Proposal

Provide a brief description of your proposal. (250 words or less)
0 of 1500 max characters
What are you hoping to accomplish? (100 words or less)
0 of 500 max characters
Who will this benefit? (100 words or less)
0 of 500 max characters
Enter an amount up to $500.
Please enter a number from 0 to 500.
How will the money be used? Please attach additional documentation if necessary, or email to
0 of 1500 max characters
May be used to provide up to three additional supporting documents or photographs.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, jpg, png, Max. file size: 15 MB, Max. files: 3.

    Part III. Acknowledgements

    By submitting this application, I acknowledge that:
    • I have read and understood the Micro-Grant Program Guidelines on the MAFA website.
    • MAFA Micro-Grant funds will be used solely for approved expenses as detailed in the budget, and any unspent funds will be returned to MAFA (unless MAFA agrees otherwise).
    • The recipient will obtain photo releases, as appropriate, under MAFA’s photo release guidelines.
    Email (for receipt)*
    A copy of the submitted application will be emailed to this address. If it does not arrive, please check your SPAM filter and then contact