MAFA has opened two Zoom Pro accounts for use by our member guilds to conduct guild meetings and simple programs. This is provided as a free service to our guilds. (If you find you want to schedule programs using the Webinar feature, please let us know, and if there is sufficient demand, the board may consider upgrading our plan to allow Webinar functionality.)

How will it work?

  • Use the request form below to reserve a meeting time or recurring meeting times (which will have the same Zoom link).
  • We are currently limited to TWO meetings per time slot, and meetings are first-come, first-served. Check the calendar below to see what we already have scheduled. We will confirm the requested date/time is available and email you Zoom login and call-in info.
  • If your guild needs to cancel a meeting, please email to let Patty Chrisman know, prior to the meeting date at
  • Hosts in Zoom meetings have the controls to mute all, record the meeting, assign participants to breakout rooms, and remove participants (though we haven’t used that one yet). Unhosted meetings will still allow all attendees to join the meeting and use screen-sharing.
  • We recommend hosting for guild programs and speakers, but it may not be needed for informal meetings such as spin-ins or study groups.
  • If you need a hosted meeting, a MAFA board member will start your meeting, delegate hosting to your guild, then leave the meeting. Here are some instructions for guild hosts.
  • We recommend hosts and users download the most current version of the Zoom app before the meeting for the best experience and particularly for guild hosts, then you will have all the meeting controls available. Download the app in your device store, or for computers visit the Zoom download page.
  • Here’s a thorough Zoom tutorial with screenshots for your guild members, courtesy of Jockey Hollow Weavers. Thanks JHW!
  • And a quick cheat sheet with instructions on how to use Zoom if you prefer.

If you have any questions or need help scheduling a meeting, please email the MAFA VP at