Welcome to MAFA Virtual!
Sign up for email updates and Movie Night reminders HERE.

Our biggest takeaway from the MAFA 2021 virtual conference was the ability for all MAFA members to participate across our entire geographic area, many of whom cannot attend our in-person conferences. So, an important initiative for the board was to look for ways to keep ALL our members connected and engaged, as well as to bring new and more diverse members into the MAFA community and our guilds. We think MAFA can do that by offering virtual programs in addition to our in-person conferences.
What is MAFA Virtual, how does it work, what are the class signup policies? Click here for details.
Have questions, or want to help on the MAFA Virtual committee? Email virtual@mafafiber.org.
*NEW* Starting in September 2022, join us for MAFA Movie Nights every month on second Wednesdays, at 7 p.m. Eastern.
*NEW* Starting in October 2022, we will continue our Free Lecture Series with registration moving to Lessonface.
Interested in teaching or speaking online? Submit a class proposal. OR Submit a lecture proposal.
Upcoming MAFA Virtual Events
Our classes, lectures, and movie nights for the next few months are listed below. Click on the class or lecture title to go to Lessonface for full details and to register.
For Movie Nights, sign up for the email list for reminders with a Zoom link, or email movies@mafafiber.org for a Movie Night Zoom link. Find links to all the past videos HERE.
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