(203) Bast Fibers Plus: Spinning It All~ FULL

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Historically bast fibers have filled our linen closets and kept us clothed. These fibers are often proclaimed the oldest fibers found and dated archaeologically. Flax, hemp, ramie, and bamboo were important bast fibers grown in different world areas and cultures. Today bamboo comes as a rayon and Tencel™ a newer ecological rayon.

The workshop is structured around Patsy’s worksheets for your own record keeping. As always, an extensive booklet is included with the fibers and the worksheets in the workshop fees. The dyeing will take place on the first day of class, please dress appropriately or bring aprons.

We will dress distaffs, prepare, scour, dye, spin and ply all of these fibers separately to fully understand their differences. Blends, novelties, and combination yarns will also be taught so you will know how to spin the ultimate cellulose yarns for summer shawls, tops, scarves, and linens. Tools for swatching welcomed.


Patsy Sue Zawistoski

Experience Level:


Maximum Class Size:


Materials fee:

$50 covers all fibers needed for class - flax line, bast bamboo, flax, hemp, ramie, and bamboo top, tencel, and bamboo rayon roving; all dyes and washing soda, detergent; booklets; worksheets

Equipment required

Spinning Wheel, Spindle, Lazy Kate, Fiber Prep Tools

Student Supplies:

For spinning bring:

  • Spinning wheel in good working order, or a variety of spindles
  • Distaff – can be DIY, info on making a distaff will be sent ahead of time to students
  • Lazy kate and 3 bobbins or a ball winder
  • Small hand towel
  • Spinning wheel oil
  • Screwdriver, and other tools for your wheel

For prep bring:

  • Hand cards
  • Hand combs
  • Apron, rubber gloves, small plastic tub, and suitable clothes for dyeing

For the sample cards bring:

  • Scissors
  • hole punch for attaching sample yarns and fibers
  • About a dozen sandwich baggies and 3X5 cards
  • Pen/pencil.
  • Optional: 3 ring binder

Some tools can be shared


Make your DIY distaff if needed, simple instructions will be sent.