(116) The Hidden Potential of Crackle

Crackle doesn’t always get the attention it deserves! Once you understand how this structure works you can unlock the potential of unlimited experimentation with the use of color and different treadlings. Appreciate how fun and beautiful crackle can be!!
This workshop will have students weaving multiple crackle samples and learn all about how the structure works by experimenting with different treadlings, fibers and colors. A good portion of the class with be dedicated to studying the theory of crackle and block/profile theory. Students will have the opportunity to design their own custom crackle draft from a profile.
Instructor will provide: comprehensive student notes, bobbin winder, a collection of samples and references that students can look at during class.

Experience Level:
Maximum Class Size:
Materials fee:
$10 covers extensive student notes
Equipment required
4-shaft Loom, Pre-warped
Student Supplies:
- 4-shaft table or floor loom, in good working order, completely dressed and ready to weave.
- A variety of tabby and pattern wefts in different colors & fibers to experiment with.
- Three shuttles minimum, bobbins (a bobbin winder will be available to use on site.) Stick shuttles are acceptable in place of boat shuttles.
- Graph paper.
- Note taking paper, pencil, eraser, calculator, colored pencils, ruler.
- Optional binder to organize notes in.
- Thread snips/scissors.
- Warp weights for floating selvages and a few extra in case of errors or repairs.
- Sleying hook.
- A clear ruler or linen test.
Wind a warp and dress your loom prior to the workshop, with instructions provided by instructor.