(118) Designing with Deflected Doubleweave~ FULL

Participants will share an in-depth learning experience on how to understand and design Deflected Doubleweave. This is an on-loom workshop, with students weaving a number of samples in designs from 4 to 16 shafts. We’ll look at how to vary tieups and treadlings to create new designs and learn the different techniques for weaving selvages.
In addition, we will work with active wefts such as elastic yarn, gold gimp, fine merino, and wool/stainless steel to achieve textured effects after finishing. We will discuss a variety of methods for designing this visually intriguing, graphic structure and practice creating our own designs with Fiberworks or other weaving software. Students will wind their warps and dress their looms prior to the workshop, ready to begin weaving the first morning.

Experience Level:
Maximum Class Size:
Materials fee:
$25 covers full-color general handouts and at least five additional multi-page handouts with threading, tieups, and treadling for the samples being woven; additional weft yarns including active yarns for experimentation to achieve collapse effects
Equipment required
4-shaft Loom, 8-shaft Loom, Pre-warped
Student Supplies:
- Loom pre-warped in a deflected doubleweave design that weaver has chosen from drafts provided 6 weeks beforehand.
- Shuttles, bobbins, weft yarns.
- Auxiliary weaving tools (bobbin winders, scissors, temple if the weaver chooses, warp weights for broken threads, measuring tape, other tools.)
Dress your loom in a deflected doubleweave design of your choice, with options provided by the instructor.