(109) Dynamic Duo: Two Heddles, Two Cloths

2025-Workshop-Photos - 109_Fancher_DynamicDuo_2 x

Expand the capacity of your rigid heddle loom by adding a second heddle! In this class we will cover double weaving to extend the width of your cloth beyond the bounds of your loom as well as using the second heddle to create a more complex weave structure without the need to employ pick up sticks or heddle rods.

First you’ll warp for a buffalo plaid double weave and weave a towel length piece to practice the steps of weaving two layers connected on one edge. (Please note that we will not have time to warp the full width of wider looms, but you will learn the skills you need to weave a cloth almost twice as wide as your loom.)

After removing this cloth from the loom, you’ll re-sley the heddles to set up for the three shaft 2/1 twill pattern and get starting weaving twill on your rigid heddle loom. This second piece can go home on the loom so it can be longer.

This workshop is suitable for intermediate students who are comfortable direct warping a rigid heddle loom with one heddle and weaving plain weave. 


Gretchen Fancher

Experience Level:


Maximum Class Size:


Materials fee:

$5 covers handout

Equipment required

Rigid Heddle Loom

Student Supplies:

  • Rigid Heddle loom that can accommodate two heddles that move independently.
  • Loom stand if you have one (this can help with checking the underside of your fabric).
  • Two 10-dent heddles.
  • Heddle hook.
  • Warping peg.
  • Two pick up sticks at least 10″ long.
  • Two stick shuttles.
  • One light and one dark color of 8/4 or 5/2 cotton, one 8 oz cone each.
  • Scrap yarn for header.
  • Scissors.
  • Yarn needle.
  • Paper or warping sticks for packing warp.
  • Paper towel roll for wrapping cloth beam.


No Homework.