(103) Materiality: The Tactile Experience

The legendary weaver Anni Albers said “our tactile experiences are elemental” and that playful exploration of materials is essential to “regain a faculty that was once so naturally ours.” We will play with a wide variety of materials – paper, cardboard, foil, sticks, buttons, pebbles, seeds, wire, fibers, yarns and more – we will, in Albers words, “group them, cut them, curl them, mix them, finally perhaps paste them, to fix in a certain order.” The resulting exploratory collages will revitalize our sense of touch and lead to a deeper appreciation for the elemental importance of materials. Next, we will explore materiality as it specifically applies to weaving – interlacing a broad range of diverse materials in a playful and experimental way. Then we will create an original woven composition from these experiments and discuss the tactile sensibilities we have gained as a result of our woven explorations.
Cameron will bring a variety of unusual materials, but will also ask participants to bring a range of their own materials they are willing to share with the group. This makes for a bountiful and diverse array of materials available for exploration.
Experience Level:
Maximum Class Size:
Materials fee:
$20 covers class handouts and a wide variety of tactile materials both traditional and non-traditional, including weft yarns, for use in collages and in weaving
Equipment required
4-shaft Loom, 8-shaft Loom, Pre-warped
Student Supplies:
4 or 8 shaft floor loom, pre-warped with 5 yds of undyed cotton, linen, or wool yarn with size of 800-3000 yards per lb, sett for balanced plain weave with a width in reed of 10-14 inches. A frame loom is also acceptable. Full warping instructions to be emailed prior to workshop.
Variety of collage and weft materials such as cardboard, foil, paper bags, sticks, nails, straw, fabrics, plastic bags, wire, wax paper. Plus shuttles, bobbins, bobbin winder, stick shuttles, pick-up stick (optional), scissors, pencils, clear tape, notebook.
Pre-warp your loom with 5 yds of undyed cotton, linen, or wool yarn with size of 800-3000 yards per lb, sett for balanced plain weave with a width in reed of 10-14”. Full warping instructions to be emailed prior to workshop.