(705) Visible Mending

2025-Weekend-Classes - Kessler_Visible Mending 1 x

Learn how to repair or adorn your fabrics with visible mending. This creative approach to making your tatters last longer keeps them out of landfills and saves the need to purchase new clothing.

Students will learn different methods to beautifully mend worn fabric, holes and tears or apply these methods to embellish any garment.

During class, students will learn the darning weave, parachute stitch, patching/applique, blanket stitch and embroidery for the application of mending.

2025-Weekend-Classes - Kessler_Visible Mending 2 x


Sheryl Kessler

Experience Level:

All Levels

Maximum Class Size:


Student Supplies:

  • Garment or fabric for mending
  • Various yarns and embroidery floss
  • Embroidery needles to accommodate the yarns and embroidery floss
  • Scissors
  • Darning mushroom or small bowl or ladle with rubber band or elastic hair tie
  • Safety pins
  • Thimble if desired
  • Embroidery hoop


No homework.


SMC 202