(125) Old Friends with a New Look
Let’s have some fun with traditional drafts like M’s & O’s, four-shaft float (overshot), gebrochen, and other four block designs, with the end result looking nothing like what is normally produced from the threading. Students will also spend time learning how to use Atwater-Bronson lace to make new designs from plaids and blocks and how to weave four block profiles on eight shafts as “dumb flowers.”
This workshop is designed for beginning to intermediate weavers and will not be my usual “weaving history” class though history will wander in.
Instructor will provide: drafts for all samples to be woven in class and a notebook with page protectors to hold said samples, any extra handouts as needed.

Experience Level:
Maximum Class Size:
Materials fee:
$20 covers copies of all the drafts used in class, a notebook, and page protectors as well as additional handouts
Equipment required
2-shaft Loom, 4-shaft Loom, 6-shaft Loom, 8-shaft Loom, Pre-warped
Student Supplies:
- Drafts will be sent in advance and participants will come with a warped loom and their sample woven
- Weft yarns for use on their loom
- Shuttles
- Scissors
- Pencil and paper
- Any other weaving supplies you need
Warp your loom (2 to however many shafts) and weave your own sample. Full directions will be provided.