(112) 4-Shaft Overshot with a Swedish Twist ~ FULL

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Learn about overshot weaving with an emphasis on Swedish weaving techniques and patterns, while weaving a 12″ x 36″ runner which allows for sampling different treadling orders on the same threading.

We will explore weaving techniques plus lectures on overshot terminology; block weaves; the twill circle; treadling tips-n-tricks; winding bobbins with two strands of singles linen successfully; alternately, using a double bobbin shuttle; star vs. rose-fashion treadling (and how to convert from one to the other); weaving to square; and multiple shuttle management.

The motives are not your typical small motives of lore, but rather a dimension which is manageable for learning. Students will receive a pre-wound warp and weft in a variety of color choices, using Bockens 16/2 cotton for the warp, Bockens 16/1 line linen for ground weft and Bockens 16/1 (doubled) for pattern weft. These materials are part of the Swedish equation. Students will bring their 4 shaft loom dressed per the instructor’s directions, utilizing a YouTube video.

The materials fee will have shipping added. Instructor will provide: pre-wound warps, ground and pattern weft material in the purchased kit; 12/6 Seine Twine for making replacement heddles, if needed (plus written instructions); spool racks for winding doubled singles linen; wooden temples as loaners (a limit of 4) or for sale.

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Susan Conover

Experience Level:


Maximum Class Size:


Materials fee:

$65 covers 1325 yards of pre-wound warp in Bockens 16/2 Egyptian Cotton (weaver's color choice from samples on Conover website); 615 yards of Bockens 16/1 Line Linen - matches color of warp; 1230 yards of Bockens 16/1 Line Linen, bleached or unbleached (weaver's color choice.) A private link will be provided to participants to view the suggested warping process for the class (Conover's YouTube Channel)

Equipment required

4-shaft Loom, Pre-warped

Student Supplies:

  • Functioning 4 shaft loom with a minimum of 13″ width, 6 treadles.
  • Reed: 12-dent sett at 24epi.
  • Warp Ends: 568
  • Heddle Count:
    • 136 Shaft #1 (nearest the weaver)
    • 96 Shaft #2
    • 148 Shaft #3
    • 188 Shaft #4
  • Shuttles: Preferably closed bottom shuttles for linen … please do not go out to purchase, as we can make-do with open bottom shuttles if need be. If you have a double bobbin shuttle please bring.
  • Multiple bobbins/quills for your shuttles
  • Wood Temple measuring 12-16″
  • Measuring tape
  • Scissors
  • Clamps for mounting table loom to table
  • Bobbin winder for your particular bobbins/quills


  • Beam provided pre-wound warp.
  • Thread heddle.
  • Sley reed.
  • Tie-on.
  • Check and repair threading errors.
  • All of this information will be provided to participants to view via a video on Conover’s YouTube Channel.