(117) Sashiko Ori

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Sashiko-ori is a woven structure based on the Japanese folk stitching methods of sashiko used traditionally to patch, reinforce, repair, or embellish clothing and other textiles. Woven Sashiko challenges weavers to think about design in a different way while learning to control the intersections of pattern threads in the warp and weft.

Identified technically as a supplementary warp and weft technique, the techniques in this workshop can be woven on a loom with at least six harnesses. These lines can be woven into a cloth in the warp and/or weft and the perpendicular or diagonal lines can be stitched in after the cloth is woven.

With warps supplied by the instructor, students will design and thread a basic pattern which can be changed during the workshop, experiment with color, and work with negative space. Instruction will also be given in adding stitching to the project. Students with prior experience in sashiko-ori will have a choice in working with a different project.

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Beth Ross Johnson

Experience Level:


Maximum Class Size:


Materials fee:

$52 covers pre-wound warps, assorted weft yarns, Sashiko ori workbook, needles and thread for stitching

Equipment required

6-shaft Loom, 8-shaft Loom

Student Supplies:

  • Floor loom with at least six harnesses (OK, people can bring table looms, but it seems they have to work much slower.) Please bring a loom you are familiar with!
  • Two boat shuttles with bobbins.
  • Small weaving tools (threading, sley hooks, scissors, etc.)
  • Raddle if you have one- we can share.
  • Bobbin winder if you have one- we can share.
  • Graph paper.
  • Optional laptop, smartphone or tablet for free online sashiko design program.


No Homework.