(113) Exploring 8-Shaft Straight Twill Variations

Do you want to do more creative weaving on 8 shafts? If you are new to 8-shaft weaving or if you want to add more variation to your weaving, this is the perfect workshop for you. Explore the possibilities of the 8-shaft straight twill threading. Learn to weave many variations on a single warp by varying the tie-up and treadling. Create original weave structures. Learn to combine two 4-shaft structures on this warp as well. Add color exploration which will begin with color harmony segments in the warps and enjoy solving possible creative mysteries! Your weaving will never be dull again!
This is the place to learn to get more variety from a single warp instead of preparing a new warp, experiencing additional loom waste and using your precious time needlessly. Weave more fun into your world by discovering the creative intrigue of 8-shaft straight twill!
An extensive workbook will provide entry-level weaving exercises to begin the journey, followed by many drafts for tie-up and treadling changes. The warps will use segments of several color harmonies to illustrate how colors blend as they cross other colors. Barb says “This is my very favorite workshop because it has so much design potential.”
Instructor will provide lots of woven samples to handle, and will contact each student to be sure they understand the instructions for preparing the loom.
Experience Level:
Maximum Class Size:
Materials fee:
$8 covers extensive workbook, extra thread colors
Equipment required
8-shaft Loom, Pre-warped
Student Supplies:
- 8-Shaft loom threaded as directed by the instructor.
- Note taking paper and pencil or pen.
- A bobbin winder if convenient.
- 2 shuttles and several bobbins.
- The colors of threads used in the warp and some others if desired.
- Any questions you wish to ask.
- Scissors
Prepare your loom per instructions provided, and be prepared to weave when the class begins. There will need to be threads from several color harmonies which Instructor will discuss with students.