(101) Weaving 101: Learn to Weave ~ FULL

This is the perfect class for those who have never woven, or those who need to brush up on the basics of warping and efficient weaving. Students will learn to warp a loom back to front, tie up any treadles, calculate warp and weft needs. Emphasis will be placed on efficient and painless warping techniques (yes, really), understanding the basic workings of a four-shaft loom, and developing good weaving habits. Students will warp their own loom and weave a sample piece exploring plain weave and twill. We will have fun learning from each other.
If you are a beginner and have any questions about the equipment and tools for this class, please email us at education@mafafiber.org and we will put you in touch with the instructor.
If you need to rent a loom, Red Stone Glen Fiber Arts Center has offered to rent looms and spinning wheels. Contact Annie at RedStoneGlen@gmail.com.
Experience Level:
All Levels, Beginner
Maximum Class Size:
Materials fee:
$5 covers class handout, some extra yarn to use as weft, extra stick shuttles
Equipment required
4-shaft Loom, Warping Board
Student Supplies:
- Weaving width of loom should be at least 8 inches.
- Reed: 8 or 10 dents. We will sley at 10 epi so a 10-dent reed is preferable.
Length of warp will be 3 yards – don’t wind it ahead of time, we will wind it in class.
- Two half-pound cones of Harrisville Design Highland wool – one cone each in two different contrasting colors. One cone will be used as warp and one as weft. Please make sure yarn is on a cone and not in skein form. Balls are okay as long as you have a container to hold the ball and keep it from rolling around the floor as the yarn unwinds. You can buy this online at Red Stone Glen, WEBS, Halcyon Yarn, Harrisville Yarn or your favorite supplier.
- 8/4 carpet warp of contrasting color to your warp (Don’t go out and buy this if you don’t have it on hand. I’ll have some.)
- Warping Board
- Four-shaft loom to dress. Table or floor looms will work. If you need to rent a loom, contact Sara Bixler at RedStoneGlen@gmail.com.
- Raddle with clamp(s) for attaching the raddle to the loom. A raddle is a piece of equipment that goes on the back beam of your loom and has pegs or nails at one-inch intervals (or less). If you have any questions about this, they are easy to DIY, contact me.
- Rubber bands of standard diameter to slip over raddle pegs.
- A pair of lease sticks with a shoelace for each end. Lease sticks should be as long as your loom is wide. They should have holes drilled in each end. They can either be round, like a dowel, or rectangular. If you don’t have lease sticks and are unsure about what they are, contact me.
- Paper or warp sticks for separating the layers of warp as the warp is wound onto the warp beam. It/they should be at least 12″ wide. Paper should be as heavy as paper grocery bag paper. In fact, paper grocery bags cut to fit this width work well.
- Reed hook
- T-pins (2-4)
- Threading hook if you use one
- At least one shuttle. It can be a boat shuttle or a stick shuttle. You may want extra bobbins for a boat shuttle.
- Bobbin winder if you have a boat shuttle (we can share)
- Yard stick
- Scissors
- Tape measure
- Note-taking supplies
No homework.