(104) Introduction to Weft Ikat and Khmer Hol

Simple Ikat resists that create undulating patterns will first be tied. You will then move on to the more complex Khmer Hol patterns.
Khmer Hol textiles are among the most intricate silk Ikats in the world. This workshop focuses on learning the techniques used by Cambodian artists to create these patterned wefts. The weft threads are tied and dyed prior to weaving so that the pattern emerges when woven.
Working with cotton or silk, yarns will be tied and dyed during the workshop. You will have the opportunity to study actual Khmer textiles found in Cambodia and see a video. After studying these you will then tie and dye samples and learn to graft patterns to create individual designs. No weaving will be done with your yarn at the workshop. It can be used later in a purse, pillow or wall hanging. A sample loom will be available for demonstration/practice purpose. Samples can be made using white or natural yarns. Light and bright colored yarn samples will illustrate overdyeing.

Experience Level:
Maximum Class Size:
Materials fee:
$20 covers sample yarn, dye pots and other equipment, table covers, textile samples
Equipment required
See Website
Student Supplies:
- A minimum of 4 ounces white or natural 8/2 or 10/2 cotton, or silk. Other light or bright colors may be used but the effect will be more subtle when overdyed. We will sample other colors to demonstrate. Optional: 4oz skein to dye additional weft.
- Best option: A frame for tying; students will receive specs for building a frame from stretcher bars or a picture frame.
- Two C-clamps to hold warping pegs and 2 warping pegs. Note: wefts can be tied on the warping pegs but it is easier if they are transferred to a frame.
- Three colored pencils
- Scissors
- Plastic 1 qt. zipper plastic bags for wet yarn
- Tags
- Gloves
- Apron
- Safety glasses, mask
Prepare Hol tying frame for tying from picture frame or stretcher bars and dowel rods. Instructions will be sent.