The Fuzzy EAR

We raise English Angora, German/French Angora and German/Giant Angora rabbits, and use their wool to make specialty yarn blends. Our blends include a variety of exotic fibers such as alpaca, angora, mohair and/or silk. We start with a base of fine sheep wool.
We also sell beginner weaving and spinning kits, handcrafted shawl pins, fiber related stickers, handmade inkle looms and a few woven products. We also sell hand knit items and hand drawn animal themed art.

We have written a children’s book about an Angora rabbit who was ill and lost her ability to hop. This is a story of rehabilitating her to hop again. We are working with a printer now and hope to have the printed books available in June.
We hope to bring some of our rabbits (they are therapy rabbits also) so patrons can meet and interact with them.