Foldout Cat
The Foldout Cat’s booth features our one-of-a-kind Batt Buffet: choose wool, silk, sparkle, and other delightful fibery add-ins from the Buffet’s substantial selection, and we’ll card a batt to order for you on our in-booth drum carder or package up your choices for you to spin, felt, or otherwise fibercraft with in the comfort of your own home.
In addition, we sell pre-made art batts; hand-dyed micro-batch yarn and fiber, including our famous five-skein and five-braid Littermates; handspun yarn in various fibers and weights; hand-dyed nepps, locks, and silky fluff; blending boards and Dreaming Robots EEW 6.1 e-spinners; and fibery treasure bags for spinning, felting, carding, and multimedia work. We also offer a small selection of finished woven and crocheted items, including scarves and shawls, 3D-printed yarn bowls, artwork made with our hand-dyed goods, and Chief Feline partner Fiber J’s famous Mutant Virus Shawls :-).