Welcome to MAFA’s New Website
MAFA is proud to welcome you to our newly-designed website. We hope it will help our members and other interested parties find nearby guilds and learn about what is happening in the fiber-world. We also look forward to our members sharing information about their activities, their favorite resources and their tips for other guilds.
In addition, we are excited to present our initial information about MAFA 2019. Check out the workshop offerings and our new and returning events. Read the Frequently-Asked-Questions. Bookmark the pages now to come back later to learn about the vendors and the many other details you’ll want to know as we get closer to registration date and the conference itself.
Special thanks to our hard-working WebDev team led by First Vice-President Charlene Marietti. She and her team have spent many hours defining requirements, working with the developers, writing content, and testing functionality. We think they did a great job!
Please send any suggestions or comments about the website to firstvp@mafafiber.org