Archive: June 2021


Finished towel is 17.5″ x 25.0″...


I wove this at 25 epi so it would fit on my workshop loom. If width had not been an issue, I would have woven it at 24 epi....


We are big tea lovers in the family – so this towel in Handwoven S/O 2003 caught my eye. I have used this draft numerous times over the years – in various colours and weights of fibre – for towels and as material for tray...


This was a warp and project that was my first exploration of a complex (for me) gamp. While a newer weaver, and always trying new things, I loved working on a twill sampler with friend and weaving mentor Jane Stafford via her Canadian Online Guild....


This was my 2019 Cross Country Weavers sample. The assignment was “Stripes in Structure.”...


Towel is 8 repeats plus 18 ends to balance. Was 17.83″ in 15 dent reed. The warp had 418 ends of white 20/2 @ 30 EPI and 272 ends of 16/2 blue @ 60 EPI. From the manuscripts of J. P. Meyer and F. Walbert...


According to the monograph, shadow weave is basically a balanced weave but the patterns are derived from twill. The warp arrangement and weft picks alternate light and dark and the greater contrast, the greater visual impact....


This is based on a towel in Handwoven, but modified by me....


I like towels as usable samples of structures that are new to me because even a failure will probably still dry dishes. Diversified Plain Weave (using Madelyn Van der Hoogt’s “new DPW threading and treadling” see Weaver’s Summer 1997) is a really fun structure I...




I saw this color palette on Pinterest and chose 4 different colors for the warp. (WEBS: Black Forest, Burnt Sienna, Tobacco and Eggplant.) The width of the stripes and colors can be adjusted to whatever you should desire. Each color stripe was 34 end wide...


I did not put the different colors of the used threads, it’s up to you to use any color....


The color sequence (Chasing Rainbows) comes from The Weaver’s Weevil by Rebecca Fox and the warp yarn is 10/2 mercerized cotton from Lunatic Fringe (color spectrum). I used black for the weft and threaded on a straight draw....


This was done at a somewhat loose sett in the workshop as an experiment. I really liked the soft hand. The workshop towel was too narrow for this exchange so I made another. I hope you like it. Color and weave pattern was 2-1 dark-light...


I followed the pattern as published, except for these changes: 1. I used 22/2 Cottolin for the weft instead of 8/2 Cotton 2. In order to comply with the Towel Exchange rules, I removed the outer 32 threads on each side of the towel, a...