(301) Out of the Blue: Shibori and Indigo

Indigo is an ancient dye derived from the leaves of plants and surrounded by magic, mystery, and folklore. Discover how the leaves ‘make blue’ by learning about the character and chemistry of the indigo vat.
The unique ‘attaching’ of indigo to fiber means it is particularly suited to resist methods of dying, such as shibori, where portions of cloth are closed off to the dye or where the flow of dye is restricted. Different shades of blue build on the fabric after several dips, exhibiting the beautiful graded hues that are so typical of indigo.
Students will learn how to make an Indigo vat. I will discuss some of the history of Indigo in the US and the different ways to create a VAT. We will discuss the proper preparation of fabrics for dyeing and have a pot for scouring fabric. Finally, we will learn many traditional Japanese Shibori techniques: Fold & Clamp (itajime); Stitched Shibori (Nui); Shibori on the pole (Arashi); Tied Shibori (Kumo); and Stitched and tied (Maki age).
Experience Level:
All Levels
Maximum Class Size:
Materials fee:
$65 covers indigo and chemicals to make indigo vats; supplies to wash indigo; supplies to scour fabrics; vinegar; pfd Japanese cotton fabric for samples; disposable instructor provided materials - rubber bands, thread, needles, strings and tying materials, gloves
Equipment required
No equipment, check supplies
Student Supplies:
- One pair of new rubber gloves (dishwashing long)
- A seam-picker or a small pair of sharp scissors
- An old shirt or apron – and please wear old clothes
- Package of rubber bands – assorted sizes
- Sewing needles with a larger sized eye
- One item of clothing you wish to “upcycle” with your new skills not too large as we will be sharing a vat – natural fibers ONLY e.g. linen, silk, cotton
- Cotton string for tying (thin to thick)
- One or two old towels
Pre-scour fabrics (preferred), but will also be available from instructor.