Beta testers,

Thank you for helping review the draft 2023 Conference web pages!
Please follow the links below from this page since not all are linked from the sidebar or menu yet until we finish our edits in the next couple of weeks.

Any questions, comments, suggestions, or corrections, please email me at Any RED text means I know we are still waiting for information to complete this section, but I have included what we used before in for the structure of the pages.

Tell me if the website structure makes sense with questions included in each area instead of being split between the area and FAQs. Also, does it work for you to have long pages with links to topics within the page? In 2019, everything was on separate pages, and I think it made it harder to find information or to get back to something you once found.


BOLD items will be links on the sidebar and in the top nav menu.

Conference Home

Schedule & Events


Useful Info (FAQs)


Exhibits and Towel Exchange

Marketplace & Vendors

Our Supporters (this was sponsors in 2021)

Advertise at the Conference (click through to the ad form)


Contact Us

MAFA 2023 Logo Shop

Last Minute Info (this will be updated and posted shortly before the conference, this was the 2019 page as a starting place)